Sunday, January 25, 2009

Should I let the fantasy remain a “Fantasy”?

Living in an extended family, I see my brothers and sisters with their husbands and wives, how they find time for each other, share dreams together, care for each other, their love for each other, making plans for the future, their children and ones to come. The idea of a happily married life has always been a fantasy. Yes, I was married once, but it wasn’t at all how I expected it to be. I thank God everyday for giving me the strength to walk out of it… while still alive.

Playing single working mom for two wonderful boys is nothing close to a dream life… but it definitely is a happy one. My boys have a way of making me feel like the best mom in the world… A Super Mom!!! Indeed, the three of us make one very happy family; there just seem no place for another.

One thing is for certain, I just love being the boss of my life where I get to have my way with everything *smile* and it will move a mountain to make me want to share this life with anyone. So the question is, should I give up this fabulously carefree life for the hope of a fantasy come true or do I let the fantasy; to live a happily married life, remain a fantasy???


paperclippenny said...

there is a risk, yes but what's life without risks. But then again don't take the plunge unless your truly ready for it this time.

I'm happy to hear your content with your life just being with your boys =)

Silence said...

Hey dream girl . . . Its been a while not been here to see how you are doing . . . Now i see fantasy world spelled out loud . . . Great that shall be a step ahead . . .My advise is Dream your fantasies in live in it . . .