Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An experience with tow-yard…!!!

This morning, the very first day of July scared the shit out of me, when I saw that my bike was missing from where I had parked it. The first thing that came to my mind was… “Oh no… not another month of bad luck and deficit, oh please no… not after such a tight and busy June!”
But thank God my luck hadn’t faded away, and thanks to my very dear friends, minutes after I had SMS to all of my friends, I received calls that it was at taw-yard. “ Ah! Why didn’t I think of that instead of panicking… hehe.” My friends have always warned me about my very bad habit of parking outside the zone. No wonder they were so quick at tracing it. Well… now I’ve learned my lesson :) … the taw-yard is not a place I want to visit again. They sure know how to make life difficult for you when you disobey the law.
First I had to wait in a queue of two people for 20 minutes just to show my documents, then another 30 minutes for the lady at the desk to fill out a form for me (thanks to their snail speed computer). After all that time she tells me that I have to go to Inland Revenue to make the payment… (sweetness :D). And then back again to wait in a queue for almost an hour to receive permission to collect the bike.
A whole day wasted over a silly misact. Now who would want another chance to go through those procedures again? Definitely not me… Tow-yard knows how to serve their purpose…!!!

1 comment:

Mike Abraham said...

hehe.. thank god u learned ur lesson atlast:D

anyway, wat a waste of some precious time of a precious wildcat:D