Sunday, August 24, 2008

Talk about disastrous timing!!

My new project, the Computer Camp for primary students, is about to start in a week. My colleague responsible for preparing the activities and the lessons is sick. I have just one week to prepare all the lessons and train the extra staff for the program. The joy of my family; my brothers’ son is admitted at the hospital with dengue fever. I can’t seem to find enough time for him while his painful cry for my presence is heart breaking. The project is growing bigger by the day. So much to do in so little time, all arrangements of the project pending due to my absence… and to make things worse, my phone has been stolen (something that’s never happened to me..!!), and I have no record or memory of any of my contacts…talk about disastrous timing!!!


iah said...

sometimes u do wish that u cud stop the time huh...

preciousme said...

yea, wont that be great heheh