Friday, September 19, 2008

Why do guys back off just when you think things are getting serious?

Well, I may not be the relationship expert, but I do have a lot of friends; male and female, who like to share their inside stories on relationships with me, and I happen to learn a lot from them.

Now, this is a question a lot of my female friends ask me. So let me tell you something that I have come to learn from a lot of my male friends. The thing about guys is that... As much as most of them really DO want a relationship with a special woman, when the opportunity actually arises to create that relationship, THEY FREAK OUT and starts to back off.

So, in such a case, I recommend that you give him the time and space he needs to figure out his own feelings while use this time yourself to figure out what you truly want and need. But the truth that we need to understand is that we can't make someone decide that they can't live without us... We can only be ourselves and hope that the guy in our life is worthy and smart enough to realize that we're totally irresistible. ;)

And if he DOESN'T come to that conclusion on his own... Well, then, why waste another second of our precious time on a doofus who can't recognize how fabulous we are anyway?!? :D


andhu said...

doesnt happen to men alone

and i just wrote a post about it on my blog...

Thom said...

true wat nadhu said...
commitment phobes are everywhere!!!!

[ dhondhooni ] said...

yeah it doesn't happen just to men. there are some people [men and women] who backs off at the first hint of commitment.

and it's a waste trying to make them realize that this is what they want. in fact, i believe that we shouldn't go for a relationship unless we are ready to commit. dating is fine if both agree to it..but not a relationship.

Silence said...


Relationship of any type irrespective of male female, mother child or teacher student, husband and wife . . . occurs in simple form of getting to each other. . . I think that's what CAT is meowing wildly... (I am sorry if it does hrt your feelings)

STORMING- Understanding the differences, and feelings

NORMING - Understanding the common aspects of life.

PERFORMING- Let the game begin with what ones have. . .

It may take days, weeks , months and sometimes years to perform a relationship. How well ones do understand each other makes the ball rolling here....

Just my idea of how it works... It is not male female phenomena.

preciousme said...

andhu, thom.. u are right, we all have it to a certain extent...
I was just giving my opinion on how WE GIRLS should react in such situations...(rather than making a scene like most girls do)
dhooni I agree with your opinion on dating and relationships
silence... I respect your knowledge on human psychology...and thank you for your opinion.