Saturday, October 17, 2009

Time has changed… and so have I…!!!

Dwelling on false hope is the last thing I want to do right now. Love and affection are only words of fiction. In the real world its just lust and desire… A single mother in her thirties spells nothing more than bait; the only motive in a man’s every approach is to fulfill a selfish desire. But then again… one shouldn’t label them all as same. There may be exceptions…!! Nonetheless I have come to accept the inevitable, there is no such thing as “Mr. right” or “Prince Charming”… but I do not wish to dwell in agony of not finding love. After all life has got much to offer and I have much to offer to this world. The table has turned, things have changed, time has changed… and so have I…!!!


Kaainaath said...

goodluck! font lose hope, i wish one day you will find what you are looking for!

Anonymous said...

Pray to Allah(swt). Prayer is an action of the heart and needs no words. God knows all languages and even the depths of our hearts so ask, for God loves to be asked. As for the prince charmings... these are not very common amongst the nonreligious - but believe me, the religious minded people have more of these people who appear modest and low-key but are great at home with the ones who need love and care. And persist in prayer! Do not loose hope for God wants to test each one of us before He gives us an immense reward.