Monday, March 23, 2009

It’s been a hectic week, so let me catch my breath!!!

I barely had any time for myself these past couple of weeks. Assignments and tutorials from college, newly outlined projects at work, and on top of it all I had to get involved in my boys’ interclass football tournament.
My younger sons’ class didn’t have a coach, so I had to play the part… hehehe (not that I know any of the rules *kekek*). But none the less, we made it to the 2nd runner-ups and won; so it was a huge achievement. Both my boys scored in their final matches and were selected among the best ten players in their grades. I was indeed the proudest parent that day!!!
Now that the school holidays have started I hope to get back to my work and studies. But before that let me catch my breath and get some rest (…plenty of it!!). After all, it’s been a hectic week… :D!!!

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