Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am definitely voting for Maumoon!!

Everyday I get several phone calls and messages, telling me to vote for Anni… and to that I have to say; sorry friends… I cannot vote for someone who is in this election only for his ego and to take up a personal grudge against Maumoon, and not because he wants to work for the best interest of this country. This he has publicly announced several times during this campaign. His only interest is in eliminating Maumoon, not presiding the country for its betterment.

We need a change… YES!! We definitely do!! But what better changes can we possibly expect from someone who gets played all the time by everyone around him, including his opponent? For my president, I want someone who knows how to play the game and how to play it right… and right now that someone is Maumoon, so I’m definitely voting for Maumoon!


Anonymous said...

you would rather vote for someone who has murdered, tortured and suppressed people than someone who has fought against it. you would rather vote for an old man with no new ideas rather than a young man brimming with passion and a consistent voice for change. I truly dont know what else Anni has to do to prove to people like you that he wants change for the betterment of the country. Do you want him to give up his candidacy and put in Hassan Saeed instead? Thats not possible. More people voted for Anni than Hassan! You're saying that Anni is all about his ego? What else other than ego would make someone want to stay in power for over 30 years???

mode said...

agreed with cat! we don't want a change for the sake of it. we mean a change for better!
Believe me, Anni would be more "played" by his hardcore activists. he need to things for them, not to us!

opinions said...
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opinions said...

Believe me the next 15 years will be the rule of Yaamin, Qassan and Thasmeen. I don't want to see "Gangs of New York" re-shot on our streets.

Anni will be easier to overthrow..I personally don't like Anni but I am giving Change a chance.

hudhuhandhu said...

s**** everyone who votes for Maumoon!
I am so freaking tired of Maldivians... Like loamaafaanu said what more do Maldivians want to see from Anni to see that he is the ONLY one who is working towards betterment of our society! Its jst a damn shame that Maumoon still controls the brains of 40% of those who voted in this election..
Dancing and partying away as if we were a bunch of hooligans..
I guess thats the version of Islam that maldivians do want to protect!
Maldivians are stupid enough to think that Anni or anyonelse for that matter can come into power and create a multi-religious society in the country, when one already exists and was created during our "lobuvethi" and most
"loved" zaeems era!
S**** U ALL!

heaven said...

Dear Cat, I think you are mistaken.... Maumoon will only hinder the growth and development of Maldivians if we let him be this time..... Don't you see the many ills that is around in our society today, and do you think he will be able to do anything about them... He was a great president in his time, but its time for him to go. And you might be misinformed to think Anni is only in it for his ego.... We are not voting for Anni... we are voting for change.. for the party system... which is the biggest change we have been able to achieve so far through the reform process. Leaders now will not be family based... but a group of like-minded individuals can now rally around an ideology.... And Maumoon refused to believe this for all his life... how can we give the power to influence our futures to such a person...

I hope you will see sense soon.. we still have about 18 days. Good luck!

primary0 said...

Voting for Maumoon = No change. Life goes on like yesterday. Boring.

Voting for Maumoon = Telling Maumoon it's OK to be president for the next 10 years.

Voting for Maumoon = Telling someone it's OK to be president for 40 years or even more.

Voting for Maumoon = Saying it's OK for someone with half a century old thinking to rule your country.

I could go on...

Smart way:
If you don't like Anni, you can get rid of him next term.
If you do not like Maumoon, get rid of him now.

Unknown said...

-"We need a change… YES!! We definitely do!!"
and yet you are afraid of change?

-"someone who knows how to play the game and how to play it right… "
Maumoon sure does know how to play it right- just look at the way he has controlled the intellect of this country by denying a proper education, just so he can continue to be in power. Whatever problems he faces now are due to the influx of educated people into the country, who have come to demand their basic right. Perhaps you should have a look at the sentiments of most people in places like North Korea, which will be similar to yours.

Ismail Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

If you are afraid of change, so be it. Don't expect your life to become better if you are not willing to embrace change. THE ONLY THING CONSTANT IS CHANGE and if that is so difficult a concept for some people to grasp, that's their problem.

The Hart said...

all of u who support maumoon are cowards. this is our chance. there is no change if we elect him again. he will amend the constitution this time. no doubt about it my friends. if you vote for maumoon this time, its not just for five years but forever. wake up n smell the shit before it hits the fan people!!!

preciousme said...

hey hey people...!! chill out! like I said... I hate politics.
Its not that I dont agree with you... We are in need of a change..yes, and if the solution is changing the president... do it with someone competent for the Job! Cos I believe a president should be a visionary, charming and charismatic figure who is capable of leading his people. Not a lame figure like Anni who gets lead by others...!!

Dancing in the Rain said...

you want someone "charismatic, charming"? Then lets have a beauty contest for men of the maldives ,shall we?
I guess you dont think a leader needs brains and the ability to lead others inspite of all the differeces they may bring to him.