Sunday, August 24, 2008
Talk about disastrous timing!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
I’m not allergic, I’m just not ready
3 years ago my friends started pointing out my allergy. My rejection to Dates and over working attitude made everyone concerned and I was labelled as “Allergic to men”. I started hearing comments like, “Girl, don’t do that to your self, start dating”, “it’s about time you gave someone a chance”.
So what if I hadn’t been in a relationship, in over 6 years? Work 24 hours round the clock? I have a family to support, for god sake. I don’t Date because I don’t have time for it and certainly not for any serious relationships. But, that doesn’t mean I’m allergic to men. That’s right; I’m not allergic to men.
Ok so I’ve had a bad experience, and because of that I had buried my emotions deep down where no one can touch. But that doesn’t mean I have no emotional feelings. I’m just waiting for the right moment and the right person to dig it up :) . I am normal just like every one of you and I too have dreams just like every other girl, to have a perfect family, loving husband, beautiful home and a good business, (well I do have my ambitions, don’t see why I cant include them in my dreams).
Anyways, bottom-line… I’m not allergic to men, and I do want a relationship, but I’m just not ready to settle down yet. So you guys can rest in peace, and let me do this my way and in my time. But I do appreciate your concern...thanks!